Treatment starts again…..

It is over 12 months since I last had treatment for myeloma. I now have a new consultant, who is a myeloma specialist, and she has decided it is time to start treatment again.

The doctors are sure that it was the use of steroids that triggered my breakdown last year, and because of that I am only taking a relatively small dose this time around.

Chemotherapy treatment is given two days a week for three weeks, then a week off, and repeating each month. It takes about 3 hours for the treatment (although the chemo bit only takes 10 minutes, there is a lot of saline to go through as well and it all takes time). Plus I need a blood test on the first day to check all is OK for the treatment to go ahead, and that takes half an hour to get the result. So, with travelling an hour each side, it can be 5 to 7 hours altogether, door to door.

So I have now got into audiobooks, as there isn’t really anything else I can do while treatment takes place. The nurses are very good, they give you cups of tea and biscuits, and there are sandwiches at lunchtime if you want them.

I have just finished the first 3 weeks of treatment, and have had no nasty side effects, apart from my haemoglobin level dropped so I had a blood transfusion to fix that. I feel fine and my energy levels are good.

Interestingly, one of my former farmer clients has also been diagnosed with myeloma, but his is more advanced and is already in his bones, so he has pain in his ribs. We usually see him at the hospital on Mondays when we both go for treatment. Although myeloma is supposed to be quite rare, I know of at least 4 other people who have it, so perhaps GP’s are better at diagnosing it?

The plan for me is to continue treatment until the abnormal protein levels have gone right down, then I should be in line for a stem cell transplant, which is a slightly scary thought! …………………